Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ten words descible lennie

slow, Lennie acts like a huge kid and for him to be a grown men that seems slow.

heavy, In the book the author describes Lennie as a heavy guy.

huge, In the story the way the author described Lennie he seems hugh.

tall, In the story the author described Lennie as taller than George and George was describe as an averge height guy.

immature, Lennie is very childish he always begging for a pet and he always want soft things to play with he always getting in trouble and he always looking for protection from George as if George was his guardian thats what makes him immature.

good worker, In the story George told the boss that Lennie is slow but he sure is a good worker.

strong, Lennie is strong because he broke curly hand just by squeezing his hand.

follower, Lennie does not think for himself he always do what George says to do and he always following up behind George.

sensitive, George is sensitive because every time somebody say that George wont always be there or when George was like he dont need Lennie he gets upset or mad.

shapeless, In the story the author describes Lennie as big strong and shapeless.

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