Wednesday, April 7, 2010

4 of Lennie's journal post

Today me and George are going to get a job. George is mad because we have been walking for a long time and the bus driver could have taken us further. We are going to get a job to save money to buy a farm to live off the fatta the land and so i can tame the rabbits. I am very excited and i can't wait to tame the rabbits.

Today I met crooks he is a black man the only black man on the farm. Crooks is a stable buck he works with slim. Crooks lives in the barn by himself he dosen't talk to anybody but slim and thats about work. Today the men went to the whorehouse besides me and candy we were in the barn talking to crooks even dough we weren't suppose to, but crooks didn't mind i could tell he enjoyed are company.

Today curley hit me and he kept hitting me I was scared. I cried for george to help me, but he didn't and curly kept hitting me. George told me to hit back, but i didn't. Then i finally hit him back and i broke his hand. Slim threaten curly not to say anything.

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